Wednesday, December 2, 2015

kitchen of love

this was a little family owned restaurant we ate at in China most days for lunch. it was cheap and the closest place to us. just a hop on the bike and in 4-5 minutes you're there.  i have no idea of the name because everything is in Chinese. i'll have to find that out next time i go. 

i was so glad someone had recommended this place to us because i had been living off Lays potato chips and coca cola. not a good diet but it tasted like home. the first time we visited we were unsure what to do but we noticed that the entire menu was up on the wall in pictures. my first immediate thought was, Yes! i'll be able to order food without having to know Chinese!" (we had had trouble before this where we would go to a restaurant and the menu being in Chinese and no pictures so we couldn't eat) I just had to figure out if the dish was spicy and what the ingredients were by looking at the pictures. I always play it safe so i pointed to the dish that looked like it had the least amount of ingredients. plain. i happened to pick a really good dish of rice topped with thin strings of potatoes and some mild spices. It was so good i ordered it every time i went. soon enough the young boy who served us knew my order.

these kinds of places are wonderful to find when you're out traveling. family owned so you know it is going to be unique and well cared for just like the bay in the picture with her mom. she is learning the technique of cooking and being raised in an environment where routines, family, and love are important. 

a baby girl in her mothers arm in the kitchen as she works. i see it as a great moment in their life.

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